Car Rental Discounts & Programs

The Department of Travel Management has partnered with the car rental agencies below to provide the University of Miami with discounted rates for University business travel. Some rates may be extended for leisure travel, please read terms and conditions for more information.

To receive discounts, you may be asked to show proof that you are a UM employee or student. Rental liability insurance is not included for leisure rentals, and must be purchased separately by the renter.

Important Notice:

Deem has launched a new and improved website!

All users, including those with existing profiles, will need to set up new accounts.

Leisure Bookings:

Employees and students of the University of Miami can book leisure car rentals through Deem.

Deem Portal

Renting for Business

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  • MVR Approval Process Before Renting

    Student drivers renting for a University of Miami business purpose must complete the MVR process prior to renting their vehicle in order to comply with the Auto Fleet Policy.

    MVR Process: 

    1. Submit an MVR by logging into Workday and type "Create request" in the search bar. Select "Motor Vehicle Request Form" to begin the process. 
    2. Drivers will be required to complete a driver safety course which will be provided by Risk Management upon the completion of the MVR Process. This course must be completed prior to operating any University affiliated vehicles.
    3. Risk Management will provide an authorization letter upon the completion of the driver safety course.
    4. Please allow 3-5 days business days for processing. 

  • Reporting an Accident

    Any employee involved in an accident, while driving a vehicle rented for University business, must immediately report the accident to the rental agency as well as UM Risk Management at 305-284-3163. The accident must be reported regardless of who is at fault.

  • Rental Insurance

    Important Car Rental Information

    Insurance: Travelers must purchase collision damage waiver (CDW)/loss damage waiver LDW) and basic liability insurance if the insurance is not included in your rental, when booking for a business purpose. This may already be included in some University contracted rates. For more information on University contracted car rental rates, see below. Please note, if booking a rate where this is not included, drivers are required to purchase at the time of pick-up or by contacting the car rental company directly.

    Guest Bookings: Some University of Miami contracted rates may have strict policies for non-employee rentals. Please see below to confirm if there are any restrictions for non-employees. Cane ID may be requested at time of pick-up.

    Rental Insurance cannot be purchased through the University's Travel Portal or a World Travel Agent. The traveler must purchase it at the time of pick-up or by contacting the car rental company.

  • Young Drivers

    Domestic car rental reservations for drivers between the age of 18-21 and students should be reserved with Avis/Budget. Age restrictions may vary across several vendors for international travel. Please contact the car rental company directly to inquire about age requirements. You may contact Travel Management at for questions relating to contracted rates.


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  • Employee Business Discounts

    Book Now

    The University of Miami Avis/Budget rates are brought to you by the State of Florida. Please see below for more information.

    • Review rates 
    • Select out-of-state city surcharges and airport pick-up location fees may apply.
    • Coupons, promotions, and personal rewards points are not available when using the Florida state contracted pricing.

    Program benefits include:

    • All rates include unlimited mileage and roadside assistance. Liability coverage and loss damage waiver are included in the rates for business use.
    • Business and personal associates of the renter can be included as additional drivers at no additional charge; however, personal associates cannot be the renter.  

    Direct Billing:

    If Cars Are Not Available:
    If the University of Miami portal shows no cars available for Avis or Budget, travelers can send an email to the Help Desk ( and provide the following:

    • Most convenient rental location
    • Rental date and time
    • Return location if different
    • Return date and time
    • Size car needed
    • Renter’s name and their Avis Preferred Wizard #/Budget Fastbreak 
    • University of Miami
    • Is the travel for official business travel, or leisure personal travel

    With this information, the Help Desk may be able to reserve with our discounted rates.

  • Employee Leisure

    The University of Miami Avis/Budget contracted rates are extended for leisure travel to employees ONLY. Avis/Budget rates are not eligible for student leisure travel. Rental Liability and Loss insurance is NOT included for leisure rentals. The traveler must purchase it at the time of pick-up or by contacting the car rental company.

    Leisure reservations can be made directly on the Deem Portal or with Avis/Budget directly.

    Book with Avis/Budget Directly
    UM employees may also book leisure rentals with Avis or Budget by using the links below. Rental Liability and Loss insurance is NOT included in rates for Leisure rentals. Renter is responsible for purchasing insurance separately.

    To book a vehicle with Avis:

    Visit or call 1-800-633-3469. Use discount code D203100

    To book a vehicle with Budget

    Visit or call 1-800-218-7992. Use discount code: F002000

  • Student Rentals

    Avis/Budget Florida contracted rates are only available to students if the student is traveling on behalf of the University. Students will need to provide a letter of introduction on UM letterhead, stating they are traveling on behalf of the school. The letter must have the student’s name, the reservation number, and days approved for travel. Letter will be provided by the Department of Risk Management after MVR Approval.

    To book:
    Students must make the booking on the University of Miami Travel Portal or by contacting a World Travel agent directly.

    World Travel Designated Agent Team
    Toll Free: 888-206-6044 (inside the U.S.)
    Direct: 610-695-6080 (outside the U.S.)

  • UM Visitors

    Avis/Budget Florida contracted rates are also available for UM departments who wish to book car rentals for visitors to the University. These rentals must be paid for by the University of Miami. Driver will need to provide a letter of introduction on UM letterhead, stating they are traveling on behalf of the school, have the driver’s name, the reservation #, and days approved for travel. Letter will be provided by the Department of Risk Management after MVR Approval.

    To book:
    UM departments must make the booking on the University of Miami Travel Portal or by contacting a World Travel Agent. 

    World Travel Designated Agent Team
    Toll Free: 888-206-6044 (inside the U.S.)
    Direct: 610-695-6080 (outside the U.S.)

  • Van and Truck Rentals

    Van Rentals: Van of 12 passangers or more cannot be booked through the University of Miami Travel Portal. All vans 12 passangers or more rented for business, must be approved by Risk Management prior to reserving. Book online at Avis/Budget

    Passenger vans accommodating 12 to 15 passengers have a minimum age requirement of 21. Avis/Budget will not assess underage fees to any business use rental.

    Truck Rentals: Reservation is required by calling (888) 633-3875 or request by email to and providing account information. Rates apply to truck rental and mileage only and may not be combined with any other discounted rate or promotional offer. Rates do not include taxes, surcharges, fees, refueling, and optional items are extra.

    DOWNLOAD Business Instructions

    DOWNLOAD Leisure Instructions (Employees ONLY)


  • Terms and Conditions

    Terms and Conditions:

    • Personal reward points are not available when using the Florida State contracted pricing.
    • Minimum age requirements:
      • Business Use: The minimum age requirement for business use rentals is 18 for all car classes except passenger vans. Passenger vans accommodating 12 to 15 passengers have a minimum age requirement of 21. Avis/Budget will not assess underage fees to any business use rental.
      • Leisure Use: The minimum age requirement for leisure use rentals is 18 for all car classes except passenger vans. Passenger vans accommodating 12 to 15 passengers have a minimum age requirement of 25. Avis/Budget will assess underage fees to any leisure use rental if the renter is between the ages of 18 and 24.


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  • Employee Business Discounts

    Book Now

    Program Highlights:

    • All rates include unlimited mileage. Liability coverage and loss damage waiver are included in the rates for business use.
    • City surcharges may apply.
    • One-way drop off fees apply.
    • Additional driver and young driver fees waived.
    • Program includes International discounts. International locations provide the coverage included within each country’s rate structure. Employees/students reserving International travel for business are responsible for calling the car rental company directly to confirm what insurance and liability is included, and confirm that they comply with Risk Management requirements. Discounts may vary, visit or for a comprehensive list of countries and individual locations. 
    • Enroll in the Emerald Club and make sure to add the account to your University of Miami Travel Portal profile for perks such as skip the line at pick-up.

    If Cars Are Not Available:

    If the University of Miami portal shows no cars available for Enterprise or Nationals, travelers can send an email to Please include the following in all reservation requests: 

    • Account Number: FL41055
    • Billing Number if Applicable
    • Renter information or Loyalty number
    • Prefer to rent with Enterprise or National?
    • Airport code for pick up and return (unless picking up locally then send zip code)
    • Vehicle size
    • Any special requests?
    • IATA number to provide credit to if applicable  

  • Employee Leisure

    The University of Miami’s contracted rates with Enterprise are extended for Leisure travel to employees and students. Rental Liability and Loss insurance is NOT included in rates for Leisure rentals. Renter is responsible for purchasing insurance separately.

    Leisure reservations can be made directly on the Deem Portal, or with Enterprise/National directly.

    Book with Enterprise/National Directly

    Benefits include waived additional driver fees. Rental Liability and Loss insurance is NOT included in rates for Leisure rentals. Renter is responsible for purchasing insurance separately. 

    To book a vehicle online:
    Use Corporate Code: NA41127


  • Student Rentals

    Enterprise/National business contracted rates should not be used by students for domestic business travel. For International travel, employee or student must make the booking on The University of Miami Travel Portal.

    The University of Miami’s contracted rates with Enterprise are extended for Leisure travel to employees and students. Leisure rates are 5% off with Enterprise and 10% off with National. Rental Liability and Loss insurance is NOT included in rates for Leisure rentals. Renter is responsible for purchasing insurance separately. Leisure reservations can be made directly on the Deem Portal, or with Enterprise/National directly.

    Book with Enterprise/National Directly
    The University of Miami has contracted a discount of 5% off with Enterprise and a 10% off with National. Benefits include waived additional driver fees. Rental Liability and Loss insurance is NOT included in rates for Leisure rentals. Renter is responsible for purchasing insurance separately.

    To book a vehicle:
    Visit, Corporate Code NA41127.


  • UM Visitors

    Enterprise/National business contracted rates are only available to UM visitors and affiliates if booked for and paid for by the University of Miami. Driver will need to provide a letter of introduction on UM letterhead, stating they are traveling on behalf of the school, have the driver’s name, the reservation #, and days approved for travel. Letter will be provided by the Department of Risk Management after MVR Approval.

    To book:
    Employee or student must make the booking on The University of Miami Travel Portal.

    The University of Miami has contracted a discount of 5% off with Enterprise and a 10% off with National. Benefits include waived additional driver fees. Rental Liability and Loss insurance is NOT included in rates for Leisure rentals. Renter is responsible for purchasing insurance separately.

    To book for UM visitors/affiliates:

  • Van and Truck Rentals

    Truck Rentals: Program incorporates nationwide truck rates for our extensive fleet of cargo vans and commercial trucks. Rates are inclusive of Liability insurance with Split limits of 100/300/50. As well as Damage waiver insurance with a $1000 deductible. Vans of 12 passangers or more cannot be booked through the University of Miami Travel Portal. All vans 12 passangers or more rented for business, must be approved by Risk Management prior to reserving.

    Truck rentals discounts are only available for business. To rent trucks, please click here.

    Rental code: NA41126


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  • Employee Business Discounts

    Book Now

    The University of Miami’s contracted rates with Hertz are extended for business travel, reservations can be made directly on the Travel Portal, with a World Travel live agent or by booking directly with Hertz. 

    World Travel Designated Agent Team
    Toll Free: 888-206-6044 (inside the U.S.)
    Direct: 610-695-6080 (outside the U.S.)

    Book with Hertz Directly
    Renters may be asked for proof of affiliation with The University of Miami at the time of booking or vehicle pickup. 

    To book a vehicle:

    Visit or call 1-800-654-2210.

  • Student Rentals

    Hertz business contracted rates should not be used by students for domestic business travel. For International travel, employee or student must make the booking on The University of Miami Travel Portal.


  • UM Visitors

    Hertz business contracted rates are available to UM visitors. UM Departments may make reservations on behalf of visitors using the University of Miami Travel Portal
